Friday Open Thread
This is your open thread for today. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here.
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News and discussion about real estate & the housing bubble, specifically as it pertains to the Seattle area.
This is your open thread for today. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here.
Just some guy, living and letting live.
How long will housing slump last?
Nice post S Crow. National builders are hemorrhaging money elsewhere, so they need capital NOW. As a result, they'll lower prices in Seattle to get it. This will result in downward pressure on homes/condos in the area, killing the specuvestors, and driving the market down even further.
Denial and stubbornness will keep the Seattle down RE market "sticky", but as the housing-led recession hits, those $200K households will vanish, leaving no one left to buy the inflated homes.
The dominos are falling.
a little debate I'm getting into right now with a half rate fly by night 25 year old college drop out mortgage broker.
Good for a laugh.
Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders a person financially impotent for an indefinite period of time.
For the record, I can stand the occasional spelling error. For example, I have a problem remembering how to spell "occasional" (but that's what is for). But matthew's little friend, "KenDoll911" who claims to be a mortgage broker, really needs to learn to spell "amertized" and "princepal" correctly.
These are the sorts of douchebags that deserve all they'll get in the coming red crush. These are the free-wheeling, risk-taking, H2 driving c***suckers that are begging for a major reaming. At least during the tech boom, it was mostly college grads with some technical training that were cashing in. In this nutty RE "boom", any walking weiner with a Carlton Sheets guide or a copy "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and no docs (for his no doc loans) could start screwing the economy up.
Justice awaits.
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