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News and discussion about real estate & the housing bubble, specifically as it pertains to the Seattle area.
Just some guy, living and letting live.
< Pee-Wee Herman Chuckle> Heehehehe < /Pee-Wee Herman Chuckle>
Oooh, all this negative reporting and hysteria! If the media wasn't filled with news of sputtering sales, toxic loans, and foreclosures 24/7 this market would be just fine! Why can't they get back to the good old days of discussing what kind of sealant one needs to use on their Italian granite countertops to spike the home prices by another 50K or so... geez, now that was some feel-good reporting! All this bad news... just so depressing
BTW, sarcasm people.. FYI
David Liarreah (DL) is piloting space shuttle Seattle under the guidance of Seattle Control (SC).
SC: "Appreciometer pointing straight up David, low interest and zero down holding steady"
DL: "Roger, copy that, its gravity's day off boys, what a great ride"..."maybe I'll write a book".
SC: "Ah David, could you check your interest rate, we are seeing an increase"
DL: "Negative, no change here, you guys been blogging or something?"
SC: "One other thing David, we are also seeing a gravintory anomaly and we are starting to see the appreciometer flatline.....please confirm"
DL: "Just a minute....nope, everything is fine. Straight up boys."
SC: "Our tracking stations on Whidbey Island and on Fox Island both show decreasing appreciation and increasing gravintory...please confirm"
DL: "No problems here, well except for a stuck gauge....I am tapping it right now and yes it does show increasing gravintory but I assume the gauge is stuck. Must have been made by "the blog". You guys DID see Star Trek the movie....right"
SC: "Ah David we seem to have a discrepancy in our data. We show your appreciometer with a rate approaching zero....can you PLEASE confirm!"
DL: "No problem here, you guys need to get with the program, I expect to be in orbit within minutes"
SC: "David we show zero vertical acceleration. In fact we now show a falling appreciometer and gravintory is rising quickly.
DL: "Good Day Sunshine (humming), you guys like the Beatles?'
SC: "David can you hear us? Repeat, can you hear us?"
DL: "Uh oh...Seattle we have a problem"
When the cartoonists get into the game, you know things are heating up. They have to tell a story with very few words, so it has to be a topic their readers can grasp quickly, usually something currently in the public consciousness. Nobody would have run this 6 months ago in Seattle.
Just had an idea...
Could you possibly archive Meshugy's posts and in about 6 months or so come up with a post on Meshugy's best lines (showing one from every month until the tone changes)...
ARMS's always go up... even if the interest rates hold steady most ARM's are set on an index that even if it were to reset the same day the loan was originated, it would already go up at least a percentage...
Rates would have to drop very low for ARM's to even drop...
It's actually a good formula to keep the refi business alive...
I can see a 50% drop.
Man I am sooo tired of the trolls on this site. Who are you shilling for?
I know you are supposed to just ignore trolls! I can't help myself though.
Everyone with half a brain knows the values will drop from 75% up to 90% in some neighborhoods in Seattle.
Okay, that ^^^ was funny.
Yes S crow, I think there was heavy pressure to drop oil prices at this point.
The American consumer has been conditioned over the past several years to look at 2 things when considering their own economic viability.
One is house appreciation and the other is the price of fossil fuels.
People are starting to realize housing is toast. There goes one of their "bouyancy factors".
The only thing left is fuel. Drive those prices down to try to bolster up the sputtering American consumer.
The PTB need to convince the consumer to keep spending to keep all these other economic #'s looking good for a short time.
They are doing everything they can to save the party that is this non-producing "Wonder Economy". Including the Senate encouraging the NAR to interfere with rate decisions by the Fed.
There will be stop gap fanagling with key asset prices in an effort to cajole people into thinking everythng's fine for a few more months, or until Americans wake up and realize that the surreal economy is finished and it's time to get serious about making distinctions between what they want and what they need and plan accordingly.
We are about to graduate from being spoiled teenagers to responsible adults. A hard transition but God knows we need it.
we're all gonna be eating soylent green soon.
But seriously folks, I'm seeing a lot of trash come
up for sale in Shoreline and S seattle, and its coming down in value back under 300k. Granted, its garbage, and you could get the same in 2004. The difference in Seattle is that the dotcom bubble stung well into02-03, so we're behind the curve, plus our values are much lower than the East Coast, and the Pacific Rim is finally turning into the economic tiger it was always called.
Who wants ot live in the NE? That place is rotting. The midwest is finished, and Fl's going underwater.
CA is full of invaders, iw ouldnt be surprised if the NW becomes the only part of the country anyone wants to live. Just a thought. I'd still ike to see it go down, but not if it means economic armageddon. Thats not gonna be fun for anyone. Dont wish for it.
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